An Introduction

You may be wondering how I came up with the name “Not Wasting Today”. It’s not actuallt fashion related, and I admit might be a bit confusing, but I’ve stuck with it since 2017 so I’m reluctant to move on at this point. So where did it come from?


My name is Gabriele (you can call me Bree if you like) and I am the person behind Not Wasting Today.

Towards the end of my first year at university, I felt that I was wasting my days not doing an awful lot. I couldn’t remember what I’d been up to even a week prior, and I decided that I would make a permanent change to do more and not waste my time. I started off revering productivity and vowed to do at least one productive thing every single day of my life from then on. Brainstorming blog names, I came up with Not Wasting Today to signify this change in mindset.

The first big thing I did was make a YouTube channel. This was on April 1st 2017 and it did almost feel like a joke.

Having finished my first year of study, I worked all summer which allowed me to buy my first camera. I posted my first video (in September maybe?) without much of a clue as to the type of content I wanted to make but just knew that I had to start. Fast forward a few years, I now make videos focussing mainly on making fashion more sustainable for the average person. Making a significant change is hard, but if I can inspire even one person to think about their fashion choices I will consider my journey a success.

Over time, Not Wasting Today has shifted in its meaning to me. I no longer obsess over productivity and acknowledge that rest, social time, and even video games all contribute to making the most of my days. It’s easy to think that success comes from working every spare moment you have, but it’s not good in the long term for anyone.

Now, I look back at my day and process the small wins and what could have gone better. I celebrate productive days along with ones that bring me peace and rest. I aim to jump into the deep end more often and hold myself back from opportunities less. That, to me, is making the most of my days.


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